
Remove Object – AI Photo Editor (hereinafter referred to as “Remove Object” or “App”). Remove Object refers to our App, website, and services (collectively, the “Services”). The protection of our users’ (“user” or “you”) privacy and personal information is of utmost importance to us. We may collect and access your personal information when you use our Services.

Please carefully read and fully understand this Privacy Policy before using our Services.

An overview of the Privacy Policy is as follows:

  1. What Personal Information We Collect
  2. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
  3. How We Share Your Personal Information
  4. Your Rights And Controls
  5. Advertising And Other Third Party Services
  6. How Your Personal Information Is Transferred Across Borders
  7. Security Of Personal Information
  8. How We Store Your Personal Information
  9. Children Under 13
  10. How This Privacy Policy Is Updated
  11. Contact Us

What Personal Information We Collect

Any information pertaining to a named or identifiable natural person is considered personal information. We do not require you to register for an account with the Services before using them.

Therefore, we do not involve the collection of personal information from you and cannot identify you directly or indirectly. All the information we collect from you when you are using Remove Objects is only processed on your local device and does not involve uploading to any server/cloud server.

  1. We Do Not Collect Personal Information. Personal Information includes your name, geographical location information, address, email, telephone number, fax number, the information you stored on your device, and any information that helps to identify you or other individuals when you use the Services.
  2. Non-Personal Information. When users interact with our Services, we may collect non-personal identity information associated with the user for diagnostics and customer support. Non-personal identification information may include your device’s model, version of Android, and other similar information.
  3. Information Provided by You. We may collect your personal information (eg: your email address, your name, your issues, or suggestions) for responding to your complaints and providing customer support to you. We also collect data related to your version of Remove Object. This allows us to efficiently identify and eliminate technical issues that you may face.
  4. Usage Information. When you use our Services, we will automatically collect information about your activity on our Services, for instance how you use them ( eg. The Date and time you use the Services and features you have been using).
  5. We collect your approximate location data to customise your experience and for diagnostics and troubleshooting.

How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information Provide you with products and/or services:

  • Storage permission: If you want to open, erase, remove, enhance or edit, and share images through Remove Object, we need permission to access your local media to respond to your requests. This permission is only for the features mentioned above. We will not access any data from your device, nor will we edit or automatically delete any of the content in your local media storage.
  • Camera permission: If you want to open the camera while using Remove Object, we need permission to access your camera. This permission is only for the features mentioned above. We will not access any data from your device.
  • Customer service: When you send feedback or error reports via email we will obtain your username, email address, and email content so that we can communicate with you about problems encountered during the use of our products and services.
  • The third party: please note that once you use a recording or streaming feature, it means that you accept the Privacy Policy made by Google. Click the link: for more details.
  • To Help Improve Our Service: We may use Information to provide, maintain, enhance, and improve our applications, services, and websites, and the development of new services.
  • For the Further Development and Growth of Remove Object: We might be using the

Information you provide for marketing promotion and improving the features of the App.

  1. How We Share and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

Generally, we don’t often disclose personal information with other parties, please be aware that in the following situations, we might:

  1. When mandated by law in accordance with a court order or other government or law enforcement authorities’ directives in order to obey the law;
  2. When we have obtained your consent or authorization to do so,

Provide information to our technical support partners or improve on any technical issues

  1. To safeguard and defend our rights and property, or protect our integrity or security, including through legal action.
  2. When it comes to defending and safeguarding the assets or personal safety of any of our users or the general public.
  3. Share certain data with advertising services

Please note that any personal information we share with our partners will be done so only for necessary, legal, legitimate, clear, and specific purposes.

Please also note that when sharing information with third parties, we expect them to treat the data with utmost confidentiality and use strict security measures. If we discover any violation in the process, we will immediately terminate the partnership and pursue legal action.

  1. Your Rights and Controls

Regarding our use of your personal information, you have rights under applicable data protection law, including:

Right to Information. To let you know how we manage your personal information, we have published this privacy statement. We are dedicated to using your information in a transparent manner.

Right to Access. In general, the interface of the Services allows you to access the personal data you have given us.

Right to Correct. If your personal data is incorrect or lacking, you have the right to update or rectify it.

Right to object. You have the right to object on grounds specific to your circumstances to some uses of your personal information, such as direct marketing, processing based on legitimate interests, and processing for statistical or historical research.

Right to Delete. You have the right to request that your personal information be deleted or that its use be restricted in certain situations (for example, you can ask that we delete your contact information if it is no longer required for the reason it was acquired, excepting specific exceptions).

Right to Transfer Data. You have the right to ask for specific copies of the personal data you’ve given us so that you can use it for your own purposes (often referred to as the right to data portability). Please be aware that since we typically do not keep any of your personal information, we may not be able to offer any copies of it; and

Right to Revoke Consent. You can revoke your consent at any time by sending us a note that specifically identifies the consent you are revoking if we are processing your personal information with your consent. Please be aware that the legality of any processing operations based on your consent before it was withdrawn is unaffected by your withdrawal of consent;

Please note that because the account registration function is not provided in the Services, we do not collect any registration information from you when you use the Services.

The particular rights that are applicable to you (which might include other rights not listed above) may vary depending on your jurisdiction. You should make yourself aware of the rights you have under applicable privacy laws in your jurisdictions.

If you feel we have not resolved your concern, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local privacy or data protection regulator.

Kindly note that, if you decide not to provide the personal information we request (such as your contact detail to communicate with you) we may not be able to timely respond to your needs or request with respect to your rights as has been set forth above.

Please keep in mind that in case of violation of any term of terms of use by the user, we have the right to terminate your (“users”) access or usage rights in the app immediately or remove non-compliant information or both, as the case may be.

  1. Advertising And Other Third Party Services

We will not send you any marketing materials via email, SMS, postal mail, telephone, or any other method. Please be aware that we utilize Google Admob and Facebook as our advertising partners, and that they publish and manage all advertising on the Services rather than us. As a result, when using the Services after an upgrade, you might come across links to external websites or material and services offered by parties other than us. Additionally, you might be able to access some of these external entities’ products or services via SDKs or other means. You are entirely free to decide whether or not to use third-party websites, goods, and services.

Services offered by any third party are not covered by this privacy policy. We are not liable for the third party’s acquisition and processing of your personal information because we are unable to exert substantial control over that third party. In order to protect your personal information, please read the third party’s privacy policy carefully before providing any information to them. We are also free to display any advertisements on the app directly or via third parties or their agencies. Users of the app are free to watch, check, verify, and/or hide content at their sole discretion.

Users must notify the company immediately to have any advertisements they believe to be illegal or otherwise problematic permanently removed from the app. It is explicitly disclosed that the company may not be in control of the advertisement on the app and that it may have been put by third parties/ad agencies or its partners.

  1. How Your Personal Information is Transferred Across Borders

In order to provide you with our Remove Object service and for any other purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, we may use information (including your personal information) in nations other than the one in which your device is situated.

The Data protection laws differ across countries and may not offer the same level of protection as those in the country where you are located. However, before transferring your information, we will take all technical measures under our guidelines that such information is managed in accordance with the appropriate Data Protection Laws and consistently maintained in a secure manner to ensure that such information will be afforded the same level of protection.

We may transfer your personal information to resources or servers for storage or processing for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, as long as this is permitted by applicable local laws and regulations and with your authorized consent. We may also transfer your personal information to third-party service providers and business partners, which means that your data may also be transmitted to other countries or regions. These nations or regions may have different privacy protection laws, and the country or region where these servers are housed may not provide the same level of security for personal data as your own.

We will nevertheless make an effort to abide by our Privacy Policy to protect your personal information, and we will adhere to the legal framework of the nation or territory in which the personal information is located to carry out the necessary cross-border transfers and other personal information processing. We will abide by all applicable laws whenever we transmit personal information outside of your country of residence, whether it is transferred to one of our affiliates or a third-party service provider. We shall implement the necessary security precautions and steps to ensure that each of these transfers complies with all relevant local data protection legislation. Please get in touch with us if you want more details on the types of security measures we have in place.

  1. Security Of Personal Information

The safety, confidentiality, and security of the personal information that you share with us is of utmost importance to us. We will use various measures to protect your personal information which has been collected and/or stored by us from being lost, misused, leaked, or accessed illegally. In addition, all our staff are bound by confidentiality obligations.

Kindly note that, despite our best efforts to provide security protections for your personal information, due to limitations of technology and possible malicious intent, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We will regularly review our security procedures to consider safer and updated methods and technology.

  1. How We Store Your Personal Information

Generally, we only collect and use your personal information to the extent of responding to your request, and such data that you provide will not be stored in our local device or server. When you contact us for feedback, bug reports, complaints, or questions regarding your personal information, we may collect and use your technical information about the device(s) and/or browsers (including without limitation your IP address, network type, phone model, operating systems, and other browser settings) you may use, and we will only retain this data and your contact details (such as email address) temporarily, instead of our local device and/or server. We will delete this data as soon as you are satisfied with our response.

Please note that we will not keep any of the images, audio, video, or other content you capture using the Services; instead, they will be kept on your device in your media library, local folder, and/or photo album.

  1. Children Under 13

Remove Objects provides its product and services to people over 13 years of age (or the prescribed age in your jurisdiction, whichever is higher). Children should use the Services only under the supervision and through the guidance of their parent or guardian to protect their child’s personal information. If you are a child under the age of 13 (or the prescribed age in your jurisdiction, whichever is higher), please go through this policy with the assistance of your parent or guardian, and ensure you are sharing with us any information with the consent of your parent or guardian. If we come to know we have accidentally collected children’s information, we will delete such information as soon as possible.

  1. How This Privacy Policy Is Updated

We reserve the right to periodically update and/or modify this Privacy Policy. We shall alert you regarding any changes to our Privacy Policy through our App and obtain your consent again, we shall also post the notification of the change on our website.

  1. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or any of our privacy practices, please contact us at our Email Address – [email protected]

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